Monday 26 March 2012

Its been a long read but its time for the final post. In total the book was really good as with the ending. The theme for the book is definably adventure, and informative, because of the lists and description it makes this informative. So as this is the end of the book I will not be posting any more so goodbye and thank you for reading.

Sunday 25 March 2012

So this is the second last post I will be doing 20,000 leagues under the sea. Right now professor Arronax has just visited the coal mine and had traveled as deep down as the Nautilus could go. I still think the theme of the book is adventure. There really isn't that much to add with this post, so I will post next when I am done the book. I hope you come back to read the last post of my blog.

Hello again, at this point in the book the group of adventures are planning on going looking for pearls. So the theme at this point would be adventure. I think the theme would be adventure because they're sailing across the world visiting different places. So far I'm really enjoying the characters, and setting, but i do not like how it keeps talking about different fish. I will keep updating some more so don't go away and please continue reading along.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Welcome back , so at this point professor Arronax and his friends Consiel and Ned are aboard the Nautilus. So far this book has been very interesting because of the detail and information the author gives. The theme at the moment I think would be factual because it explains how the nautilus works. Also when they were on the Abraham Lincoln it reminded me of when i was on a whale watching ship. I hope you keep reading and I will keep posting.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

      Welcome, This blog is about the classic novel 20,000 leagues under the sea. Over time I will update this blog as I read through the book. The book 20,000 leagues under the sea is in the view of professor Arronax as he joins captain Nemo on an adventure across the globe under the sea. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I am and that you continue to follow these blog postings.

jules verne report
biography and book list
book review
movie trailer